Wednesday, May 20, 2015

KERBEDANZ – QUINTUM Minute Repeater Edition

KERBEDANZ QUINTUM Minute Repeater Limited Edition NEW


Quintum minute repeater” draw its origin from the ancient Chinese civilization and represents the five elements or the four cardinal points seen from the earth: the water in the north, represented by the Turtle enlaced by the Snake, black; the metal to the west, represented by the celestial Tiger, white; 

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The Fire in the south, figured by the Chinese Red Phoenix or the Bird Vermilion, red; the Wood in the east, represented by the Dragon, blue-green or turquoise; and finally the Earth in the center, represented by the Unicorn or Qi-Lin, kind of chimera, yellow.

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These five elements are important in the composition of the sky, the constellations and the Chinese astrology.

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A name that signifies leader and precursor is worthy of unique personalities. A watch worthy of unique personalities needs to have sublime qualities. This is how Kerbedanz was created as a perfect marriage of watch-making excellence, a unique philosophical concept and a highly creative visual design.
The name KERBEDANZ derives from the patronymic of the Brand’s founding President Tigran Karabedyan.

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 President Tigran Karabedyan

Paying a tribute to his ancestor, he gives to his company the name KERBEDANZ which means “the heirs of Karabed” (Karabed meaning Precursor/Leader), both qualifiers being perfectly adapted to KERBEDANZ which is a precursor with its concept of specific products’ value. By the way, Kerbedanz appears as a Leader regarding its very unique watch models - or very limited series - dedicated to a very exclusive clientele well known in their activities.
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Chief Design Officer Aram Petrosyan


The ancestor of Tigran Karabedyan was a renowned goldsmith with wonderful skills to work the metal. He had acquired a great notoriety in the entire region where he exercised his art and was regularly sought to repair failing clocks as well. His fame is not only because of his competence. Indeed he was a good man, humble, generous, devoted to his family, and faithful to his friends. His highly professional skills and knowledge gave him not only a comfortable life but also the consideration and the respect of his surroundings.
Anxious to transfer the legacy of his ancestor and in the respect for the ethical values which had marked his life and works, Tigran Karabedyan decides to create his own watch brand and to locate it in Switzerland, in the city of Neuchâtel, the ancestral cradle of the Swiss watch industry.
The KERBEDANZ watches have a dual heritage: the know-how of the ancestral watchmaking and the ethic value cultivated by a man fair and straight, highly self-demanding in his professional commitment and in his life as well.
Through its product policy - concept, manufacturing and high quality finishing - the excellence of its network and overall the respect dedicated to its Clients, KERBEDANZ will fully reflect these ethical values.


The KERBEDANZ watches therefore have a dual heritage: the abilities and the centuries-old tradition of Swiss luxury watchmaking and the ethical values ​​that have accompanied a good and righteous man during his whole life, who was attached to the quality and accuracy of his work as to  respect the rules of life.

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Chief Design Officer Aram Petrosyan

KERBEDANZ impregnated with the fundamental ethical values​​, base its principles on the respect of its customers and watches over to offer products of  high quality and a distribution that is as selective as exclusive.

Giving sense to beauty

 The KERBEDANZ brand has the mission to interpret the multiple universe of human thought as creating exceptional watches by the symbolic content they contain. Through these exceptional watches, KERBEDANZ wants to establish a special relationship with the customers that are named "leaders." These same leaders and precursors, by their actions and charisma, participate in their respective fields to the creation and expansion of the universe of human thought.
By merging the "form and substance" KERBEDANZ carries in his creations perfect union between a philosophical or esthetic symbolism and its cultural translation.
It is this unique creative concept that KERBEDANZ applies to the design of its very exclusive watches, sometimes very evocative or more discrete, mysterious or even subliminal depending on the nature of the subject under discussion. The personalization of the watch can be so secret that its evocation is only comprehensible to its owner.

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 Chief Design Officer Aram Petrosyan

A World of Symbols

The universe of human thought is not only made ​​of the philosophical and cultural heritage of mankind since ancient times, but it is continually adding new discoveries and theories in such various areas as science, history, philosophy, art and everything related to ethical values ​​that elevate human dignity and give its own value to every civilization and every culture.
To create valuables corresponding to contemporary design, capable of transmitting strong emotions and messages: myths and symbols from the depths of time or exciting visions of a future projection - this is the challenge that KERBEDANZ was sent giving priority in terms of product to the pursuit of excellence, uniqueness, reliability, elegance and innovation at the service of its customers.

Technical Specifications

Model: KERBEDANZ Quintum Minute Repeater
2 Unique Piece

Mechanical hand-wound Tourbillon KRB-05 caliber, 

minute repeater and animations, designed, 
manufactured and decorated by Kerbedanz, La Fabrique du Temps and Concepto, 
29 jewels, 21’600 vib/h, 
100-hour power reserve, 
Silicon escapement wheel and pallets, Côtes de Genève decoration.
Hours, minutes, tourbillon, minute repeater, animations.
Polished and Satin-finished 18K rose gold 5N, 45mm. 

Designed and manufactured by Kerbedanz. 
Sapphire crystal and case back with anti-reflective treatment. 
Crown situated in the north-east, between 1 and 2 o’clock.
Massive rose gold, 

Bas-relief with micro miniature, 2 layer dial, designed, manufactured and hand decorated by Kerbedanz. Visual animation on the dial with the movements of the leg of Qi-Lin, the wings of the Vermilion Bird and the oscillations of the Turtle enlaced by the Snake.
Alligator mississippiensis with 18K rose gold folding clasp with a special Kerbedanz design.
2 Unique pieces.

    Kerbedanz SA
    Rue des Moulins 51,
    2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland   
    + 41 32 725 18 10