Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blancpain Applauds The Expanded Commitment of Pristine Seas

BLANCPAIN Applauds The Expanded Commitment of Pristine Seas 

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On Monday September 22, in New York, at the Clinton Global Initiative, the National Geographic Society announced a major expansion of its Pristine Seas campaign to help protect our planet's most species-rich marine areas, with a goal of convincing governments to safeguard 20 new locations, comprising more than two million square kilometers of ocean world-wide. Blancpain has been a leader in the support of the Pristine Seas efforts and was the first organization to contribute to it. This unwavering support, now in its fourth year, has helped the program grow to its present prominence as the world’s leading ocean conservation initiative.

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Pitcairn Islands expedition: Top predators like the grey reef and whitetip sharks dominate the underwater ecosystem at Ducie and Henderson islands. Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic

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Pitcairn Islands expedition: Ducie island reef formed chiefly by a single species of coral of the most delicate pale blue, which grows like giant roses. Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic

Blancpain was the first key partner to believe in the Pristine Seas project and to join forces with the National Geographic Society. Using a combination of exploration, scientific research, economic analysis and communications, the program has already helped protect areas in the United States, Chile, Gabon, Kiribati and Costa Rica, covering more than 400,000 square kilometers.

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Gabon expedition: Jellyfish with dozens of silver little fish among its long tentacles. Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic

Thus, the announced commitment expands a conservation model that has already proven successful and Blancpain is very gratified to see major additional partners following in its footsteps in support.

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Franz Josef Land expedition: National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala on the bow of the MS Polaris. Photo by Manu San Félix/National Geographic

These other partners joining with Blancpain include the Waitt Foundation, Prince Albert II of Monaco, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, Jynwel Foundation, the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, Davidoff Cool Water, Lindblad Expeditions, Dynamic Planet, former President José María Figueres of Costa Rica and other individual donors.

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Franz Josef Land expedition: National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala examines a specimen underwater. Photo by Manu San Félix/National Geographic

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Franz Josef Land expedition: National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala prepares camera gear for his next outing. Photo by Manu San Félix/National Geographic

Pristine Seas is currently working on three major new marine reserves. The first, in the United States, could result in an historic expansion of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, which would make the Monument the largest protected area on the planet. The two other areas are located in the South Pacific region near the Pitcairn Islands (an overseas territory of the United Kingdom) and near Palau.

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National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala and another diver exploring the underwater ecosystem in Franz Josef Land, Russia. Photo by Manu San Felix/National Geographic

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New Caledonia expedition: A green turtle returns to the sea after a night of laying eggs at the remote Huon Island. Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic

According to the commitment announced during the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in New York, during the next five years the National Geographic Pristine Seas project will inspire governments to protect approximately 20 new worldwide locations as fully protected marine reserves for a total of more than 2 million square kilometers. Setting aside areas that are off-limits to commercial fishing and mining in order to preserve their biological importance is an approach very similar to national parks created on land.

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The Pristine Seas team maneuvers a dropcam off the back of the ship while on expedition in southern Mozambique. Photo by Manu San Félix/National Geographic

Fulfilling this commitment will involve governments, local partners and influential business leaders. If fulfilled, it will help countries meet the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity’s target of protecting 10 percent of the world’s oceans by 2020.

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Southern Mozambique expedition: Chief scientist Alan Friedlander conducts scientific surveys in the Inhambane region. Photo by Manu San Félix/National Geographic

Blancpain S.A.
Le Rocher 12
1348 Le Brassus
Tel.  (+41) 21 796 3636
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