Friday, January 16, 2015

Pierce Brosnan Ambassador of Speake-Marin

Pierce Brosnan
Ambassador of Speake-Marin

January 2015 - A new year. World-renowned actor Pierce Brosnan is now, and for the next three years, the official ambassador of the Speake-Marin brand.

Pierce Brosnan is probably one of the best-known Irish actors worldwide. From his first scenes in Remington Steele to the famous Thomas Crown, and including his iconic role as James Bond, Pierce Brosnan has played many roles, embracing classical repertoires, comedies and thrillers. In 2015, the actor will appear on cinema screens in The Moon and the Sun, It, Last Man Out and Survivor.

Click on the mouse wheel to see the large size ....                 BIG FOTO

Photos © Marco Grob for Speake-Marin.

The relationship began when Peter Speake-Marin met the actor on the set of one of his latest films for which he had been selected by Director James McTeigue (V for Vendetta, The Raven…).
This meeting of two artistic worlds, films and watches, developed into a genuine friendship.

Sharing the same roots as Peter Speake-Marin and his passion for watchmaking combined with an admiration for the Swiss brand's timepieces, Pierce Brosnan was a natural choice as the ideal ambassador for the brand.

Click on the mouse wheel to see the large size ....   

'I met Peter on the set of a film in which he was a consultant for a character who was a watchmaker. We spoke briefly; we both love what we do, and myself as a lover of watches I appreciated his genuine passion and subsequent designs. I acquired one of his time pieces and a dialogue ensued. When Peter asked me to be an ambassador for his work it was a simple answer.` 
Pierce Brosnan 
The renowned Swiss photographer Marco Grob shot the campaign in his New York studio. Elegance, simplicity, independence and courage are the values shared by the watchmaking brand and the actor, and he has succeeded in capturing all of these. Pierce Brosnan will embody Speake-Marin.

Click on the mouse wheel to see the large size ....                 BIG FOTO

Photos © Marco Grob for Speake-Marin.

Should you need additional information, feel free to contact our Communications
Department by email: or by phone at:+41 21 695 26 56.

--------------------------------------------------------- - SpeakeMarin

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